A Tragic Introduction by Jessica C. Joiner

A Tragic Introduction by Jessica C. Joiner

Author:Jessica C. Joiner
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Young Adult, Christian, Action, spy, terrorist, secret agent, preteen, kidnapping, thriller
Publisher: Jessica C. Joiner
Published: 2018-07-27T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Ten

The next morning, I carefully avoided contact with anyone who might ask about my forehead, including Trinity. The bump had risen to a nice blue and purple goose egg that seemed impossible not to notice. A couple of my teachers looked at me funny, but I ducked in and out of class so fast that none of them had time to ask me about it. I was really thankful when Matt and I finally headed to Dr. Kestler’s for our tutoring. Thankful, but also edgy.

“Some secret agents we’ve turned out to be.” I hit the steering wheel with the heel of my hand. “We’ve only been at this a couple of days, but we’ve already managed to blow our cover.”

“We don’t know that.” Matt didn’t sound very convinced.

“Right. Because teens like us get our dorm rooms trashed and our cars shoved off the road all the time.” Sarcasm covered my fear. We were in over our heads.

“Call. Chris.” Matt rolled his eyes and leaned toward me. “He’s trained for this. We’re not.”

“And get pulled off the case? Maybe sent to my grandparents’ ranch?” I gripped the wheel harder as the fear I was fighting crept into my voice. “SATURN doesn’t even believe my parents are alive.”

“Chris does.”

“He told you that?” This was news to me. I couldn’t get Chris to give me the time of day.

“He didn’t have to.” Matt scoffed. “You saw the way he acted around Mr. Jackson. They don’t agree about what happened to your parents, and I know my brother well enough to know he won’t be happy until he knows for sure.”

I had noticed Chris’s odd behavior, too. Perhaps it was time to pin Chris down on exactly how much he knew about my parents. “I’ll call him as soon as we get to the dorm.”

“Did you get all the bugs planted?” Matt asked softly as we pulled into Kestler’s driveway.

“All but one.” I dug a tiny disk from my pants pocket and handed it to Matt. “I figured you could plant it in his car, since you were admiring it so much.”

An eager grin split Matt’s face as he took the bug from my hand. He’d only stared at the car every day we’d come, even gotten up the courage to caress the flawless black paint on the hood of the ancient vehicle. I wasn’t even sure the thing could drive, but it seemed worth the risk.

Matt stepped from my car and crossed to the Model T, admiring it the same way he’d done the day before. I followed a few steps behind, partly to shield him from view of the house and partly to keep myself from looking like a nervous idiot while I waited for him.

Maybe spy genes run in the family after all – in Matt’s family at least. I didn’t even see him plant the bug, and I was watching for it.

When he stepped back from the car, a mischievous smirk lit his face. “How much trouble do you


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